At first, everything will be overwhelming. You have never built a robot and have no idea how it works. You also need money to compete, lots of it, and that requires a lot of fundraising. Fundraising will be the main system that will keep your team afloat. Luckily there are grants that you will be eligible for your rookie year that you can find through FIRST. Those grants were really helpful because they covered registration fees. Just know that throughout your journey you will not be alone. Not only will you have your team for support but also your rookie grant sponsors can answer questions you may have. But the best resource for support is the incredible teams you will meet. We would not have gotten as far as we did without the help and guidance from the Mechanical Mustangs FRC 3314 who shared their workspace with us and the Mighty Monkey Wrenches FRC 2016 who showed us what a significant business plan looks like! We are grateful for all their help! – Rosa